Saturday, February 4, 2012

Where are my shoes?????

So I can't find my running shoes ANYWHERE!!!!!!!!! Which is so bad because I love working out. I can't find my bright blue nike shoes. I cleaned out my whole room and closet. I have looked every where and I guess I have to buy a new pair of running shoes. Not cool!

But I think these are cute :)
It's just to bad that now I have to find $145 flippin dollars to buy them! Please shoes come back to me!!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Getting Ready!!!!

I am going to California in less than a week and there is so much to do.

Frist I have to clean out my closet because I can't find any thing in it. I find it funny that I clean everything in my room right before I go on a trip. It's probably so that I can find stuff and part of my ocd. :)

Goal today... Finding my running shoes that I can't find anywhere!!!! I am freaking out because I need them!

I am so excited that I will be going to Cali and Hawaii! It will be so warm and even though it was 50 outside yesterday, I am so excited to get into real warm weather!

Third, I think its funny that todays ground hog day. So, he saw his shadow and six more weeks of winter. More like 6 more months in NewEngland. More later! :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What Happened to American Idol????

I love American Idol. I have watched it for a few years. Last year, I didn't really watch last year, I didn't really like the people. I really loved the season well Ellen was on. That was the best! I love Ellen so much.

Anyway, this year Chase and I said we would start watching American Idol again. The Try Outs are always the best part because there were funny and really bad people who would think they could sing like Adele, but they really, really can't.

So far on the show there has been one bad person who didn't make it to Hollywood. Where are all the funny people? The weird people who come in funny outfits? I really like that there are good singers but I want bad ones. Haha

So American Idol show some bad people! It would make me more excited to see the show.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snow and Marshall Jr.

Today woke up to snow falling outside. I have to say, I really love watching the snow fall from my window. However, I don't and when I say I don't, I mean I hate, with a burning passion driving when there is snow on the road.

I had to drive my brothers and my sister to basketball games and then to Chase's friends. We pulled out of the drive way and the first thing chase said was " did the plow guys forget to get up and plow the road?". I swear it was so hard to drive even with the four wheel drive.

After the games, I took every one to get a donut. From where? Well, the one and only Dunkin Donuts. I was driving so slow because I could only go about 15 mph and Chase goes "I bet I could run faster than this." Before I know it Chase hopped out of the car and started running. It was so funny because he was winning until we drove past him and beat him to Dunkin. I felt so bad.

He got in the car and he goes "I was just like Marshall! ". LEGENDARY! ".

To help anyone who hasn't seen the show How I Met Your Mother, there is an episode that ... Ok let me back up.

How I Met Your Mother is the and I mean THE best show ever! Its so funny. Chase and I watch it all the time.

The show takes place in New York and its about 5 friends. More on the show later.

There is an episode were all of the friends are trying to get to a place in New York City but they are all taking different ways to get there. One of my favorite character named Marshall said he could run to the place faster. So he does and there is this funny song that plays as he is running.

Heres the link.

So Chase tried to bet the machine and failed....But it was awesome! Chase is so funny.

Friday, January 20, 2012

New Blog for 2012!

In order to try to keep my New Years goal to write in my journal, I have made a new blog. After playing around with the settings to try to find a cute layout I found the telephone picture that I LOVE! I don't know why I love the red telephone booth so much but I have it for everything, my laptop backdrop, my iPod wallpaper, and now my blog. I love it.

Then I came up with the Keep Calm and Have Fun theme. Love the quote "Keep Calm and Carry On ". Well this is Hill's version.